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Cottage Garden Rambling Roses

Rose Louise Odier


Cottage Garden Love

Tulips & Forget-me-nots

Rambling Rose Bonny
My favorite spot

Sweet Rocket & Rambling Rose Super Excelsa

À Table!
Perfect lunch spot

My Cottage Garden

My Cottage Garden
Cottage Garden in June

Cottage Garden Harvest

Al Fresco Dining

Roses Chianti & Gertrude Jekyll
David Austin Roses Gertrude Jekyll and Chianti

Beloved Horned Pansy

Rambling Roses
Rambling rose Lykkefund, Janet B. Wood and Kiftsgate violet

Clematis Montana rubens
Clematis Montana rubens

Fall at the Cottage Garden

Cheerful Tulips

My favorite spot in the Cottage Garden

Tulips & Forget-me-nots

Perfectly planned Cottage Garden chaos

Janet B Wood
Janet B Wood Rose

Rambling Rose Perennial Blush

My Cottage Garden

My Cottage Garden

My Cottage Garden

Horned Pansy

Aquilegia (Columbine)
Wild about aquilegia


Rose Brother Cadfael (David Austin)
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