Oct 17, 2024
AUTUMNAL BLISS | Or 10 reasons to fall in love with fall
It gets stronger every year, my love for autumn. Autumn sometimes seems to pounce, all dark and gloomy, forcing us to put the flip-flops...

Sep 22, 2024
WILD BERRY SWEETS | The most delicious autumn treats
My Provencal grandmother Mamette always made 'Pâte de Coing' in autumn. Quince sweets, dried in the attic and served at Christmas.

Nov 18, 2020
QUINCE CHEESE, JELLY AND QUINCE JUICE | Three delicious recipes made from the same batch of quinces
My French grandmother always used to make quince cheese (pâte de coing) in the autumn. Although, I always think "cheese" is a strange word